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Organic Market Update #315

April 13, 2023

3 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 15, 2023




Greenhouse volume on spring crop Organic Beefsteak and Cluster Tomatoes out of Quebec, Canada will be steady. Organic Cluster Tomatoes will be promotable during April on outstanding quality. East Coast Field grown Organic Grape and Medley Tomatoes from FL will be a promotable heading to the end of April. The quality has been great, and plenty of product is available. Organic Cherry Tomatoes will be tight as the crop starts to wind down in Florida. Organic Roma Tomato prices will rise in the middle of April, as quality is outstanding, and availability steady. As Mexican production begins to decline, most of the Organic Round (Beef, Cluster) Tomato production will be coming out of Quebec and Ontario greenhouses. Pricing could begin to increase heading into May.


Mangos & Pineapples

Now is a good time to promote Or­ganic Ataulfo Honey Mangos while the industry is severely short on Round Mangos. Mexican Organic Round Mangos remain very tight and pricing higher for the remainder of the month. Organic Pineapple supplies from Costa Rica are steady and quality has been excellent. Fruit will be a little tighter in the coming weeks following the Easter holiday. 



New crop Organic Red and Gold Potatoes are ar­riving out of California. Pricing will still start out on the higher side, but this fresh crop quality is expected to be outstanding. Organic Russet Potatoes and Mini Color Potatoes continue to be in a supply gap that will last through June until new crop production begins.



Organic Cosmic Crisp Apples are in excellent promotional supply in 40Ib tray pack boxes, 27Ib euro boxes, and 12/2Ib pouch bags. Organic Envy Apples supplies should be steady through the end of April, while Organic Kanzi Apples have finished for the season.



Organic Color Bell Peppers remain in steady availability amid transition periods between growing regions this year. Mexican product is still available with some spot deals available at the end of their season. Canada will begin new crop greenhouse production this month. Israeli greenhouses have finished, with Holland expected to start production in May. Organic Green Bell Peppers will be tight following the conclusion of the Florida season, and Mexican production has also become limited. Expect unstable availability and increased costs throughout the month. 



Organic Mandarins continue in ex­cellent supply from California with "Tangos", "Mur­cott", and "Golden Nugget" varieties available in both bags and bulk. Organic Kumquats have popped up with limited availability expected the week after Easter. Organic Lemons are holding their own with better supplies and prices firm but steady. Organic Limes remain in very tight sup­ply with high pricing due to low production yields. Closer to May, pricing is expected to ease. Organic Minneola Tangelos will be winding down their season, while Organic Grapefruit has gotten extremely limited with all the rain. Fruit is sizing extremely large, and prices are high.


Asparagus & Brussels

Organic Asparagus has been selling very well this spring and will con­tinue to be promotable throughout the month. Quality is outstanding, and availability will be steady. Organic Brussels Sprouts from Mexico will continue with promotional produc­tion and low pricing to help keep the product moving.



Organic Hass Avocado pricing is up slightly, with 60ct fruit is very limited in supply, and 48ct fruit much more readily available. Some fruit harvested now may exhibit some darker black color, while remaining hard to firm.

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