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Organic Market Update #335

August 31, 2023

3 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 35, 2023


Apples and Pears

New crop Organic Starkrimson Red Pears are now in season, and new crop Organic Bartlett Pears will transition from California to Washington in early September. Excellent supplies are expected. Most Organic Apple varieties have transitioned from 2022 storage crop to imports until 2023 new crop starts in September and October. The first Washington Organic SweeTango Apples will be available early September.



Argentinian Organic Asparagus will be available for early September and will have great quality and availability through October. Quality issues are impacting Mexican Organic Asparagus, and product is not being able to make the ride east. Argentina and Ecuador Organic Asparagus will be available until the Caborca season starts again out of Mexico.




California Organic Grape crops were hit with unfavorable weather dropping up to 2 inches of rain on vineyards. Two inches in one day is a lot when the region usually only gets six inches all year. California is basically sold out of Organic Grapes for late August and accessing the damage in the days to come. Organic Grape ads will be unavailable until early September when a clearer outlook is known.

Lemons and Limes

Organic Lemons will be very sporadic in September as transition from Argentina into Mexico and California fruit begins. Organic Lime prices are on the rise due to the rain in Mexico and Southern California. Expect sporadic supplies and quality.

Stone Fruit

The Organic Peach, Plums, and Nectarine crop out of California has been affected by rain from Hurricane Hillary, but the good news is that Washington has a good crop of Organic Peaches and Nectarines which should run well into September. Organic Plums are winding down fast and will abruptly stop in September. Expect sporadic supplies with high prices markets


Brussels Sprouts

Mexican Organic Brussels Sprouts are scarce for late August, with newly harvested crops from Wisconsin readily available on exceptional quality. In addition to bulk production, Wisconsin will offer packaged Organic Brussels Sprouts to increase the assortment of organic grab-and-go produce.


California Organic Leaf and Romaine Lettuce continue to produce a consistent supplies. Pricing is competitive, and quality has been excellent. Primary supplies will continue to come from California, with Quebec-grown product starting up again after suffering significant losses in August due to weather. Pennsylvania and New Jersey Organic Lettuce seasons will also start back up in the middle of September.


Organic Strawberries will remain promotable through early September. CA harvests are strong with plentiful supplies, and excellent quality.  Organic Blackberries will be promotable out of California. Quality has been very nice, and supplies are plentiful. Organic Raspberry pricing continues to ease off as California and Mexico supplies become steadier. Organic Blueberries will become limited as domestic production winds down quickly from the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. There are light Peruvian supplies available, with pricing increasing weekly as most Peruvian growers are late to start.

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